Monthly Archives: January 2024

Q) You are the president of the Environmental Society and have recently decided to publish a leaflet informing students and adults alike of its importance. 


In your leaflet, include the following:

-Why protecting the environment is important 

-Why people might not be concerned 

-How can they be involved 

Nature Speaks!

Life if the Environment Restored

Nature speaks is a society/NGO with an initiative to protect the underwhelming state of the environment, hoping to bring about a change and ‘restore’ the country/world.

Why protecting the environment is important:  Surely, without a good and healthy environment, there would be no life on this planet. With the rise in damage to the environment, things have started becoming difficult.

This has led to many issues, such as:

-rise in sea levels 

-melting of glaciers due to increase in temperature 

-high carbon dioxide emissions 

-habits being lost/destroyed 

-people as well as animals suffering and dying due to unsuitable weather.

What leads to these issues:

In short, poorly handling and not taking care of the environment has led to these mishaps. These are sadly (however, unsurprisingly) mostly fine by our own species- human beings.

They have achieved this unfortunate circumstance through several ways, some being: 

-cutting down forest (deforestation), for their own sake.

-burning of fossil fuels in the cars, leading to harmful smoke from the exhaust.

-increase of temperatures due to global warming



-hunting of endangered species.

Why people might not be concerned:

It has been acknowledged by a survey that since the past five decades, there has been and immense decrease of interest for the environment by teenagers and even young adults.

They do not see an impact of this damage to the environment in their live, which has led them to become careless and unbothered. 

They keep littering regardless of being earned about it several times. In addition, plastic bags are more in use than ever, and these same bags are not disposed off properly by them. They have become more lazy and have a short attention span. Some also always get things they want, whenever they want and do not want to give up their convenience such as clearing land by cutting down trees and using plastic bags.

Even old people might not be concerned, since they are aware that they will not be greatly affected as they do not have much time left, hence, without thinking about their future generation, they don’t bring an impact or help bring change.

Alongside, teenagers are quite used to global warming, that it has become normal now and they do not end up seeing the downside of it.

How can they be involved?

As much as people may think that they cannot really contribute much, they surely can.

Several campaigns, NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organisations) and protests have started to bring about a change to this cause, including this society.

People can start their own campaign/NGO and work as a group by working in different departments for different causes. Many can contribute by simply cleaning up, cleaning nearby lakes, ponds, gardens, parks and other polluted areas; remember, even the smallest change can bring a huge difference. Individuals have been working on advanced technologies. You could do so as well by coming up with sustainable methods of projects and technology. The three ‘R’s’ ( reuse, reduce, recycle) is a very short phrase that has been taught to us since day one. As long as you are following these precious ‘R’s,’ you are good to go, and surely now that you have been contributing in this war against environmental damage, and being in the 9.85% of the population that follows this efficiently.

Other ways you can get involved are:

-start petitions

-plant at least one seed/tree

-reuse energy

-avoid throwing litter and polluting 

-protect the environment 

Reviews by outcomes:

“Being part of this society has opened my mind a lot, it has helped me realise a lot about this precious Earth, and through it, I have made good progress.”

“This motivated me to help in any way I can, so, I spent my savings on cleaning the ocean with the help of others.”

“After many read this, you can see clear differences in areas where this society’s members have worked. I am extremely proud of everyone and myself for being part of a good cause.”

Call Now! at 03204296096

or you can register for free at

You can learn more about us on our website:


Why people might not be concerned:

It has been acknowledged by a survey that since the past five decades, there has been and immense decrease of interest for the environment by teenagers and even young adults.

They do not see an impact of this damage to the environment in their live, which has led them to become careless and unbothered. 

They keep littering regardless of being earned about it several times. In addition, plastic bags are more in use than ever, and these same bags are not disposed off properly by them. They have become more lazy and have a short attention span. Some also always get things they want, whenever they want and do not want to give up their convenience such as clearing land bu cutting down trees and use plastic bags.

Even old people might not be concerned, since they are aware that they will not be greatly affected as they do not have much time left, hence, without thinking about their future generation, they don’t bring an impact or helping bring change.

Alongside, teenagers are quite used to global warming, that it has become normal now and they do not end up seeing the downside of it.

How can they be involved?

As much as people may think that they cannot really contribute much, they surely can.

Several campaigns, NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organisations) and protests have started to bring about a change to this cause, including this society.

People can start their own campaign/NGO and work as a group by working in different departments for different causes. Many can contribute by simply cleaning up, cleaning nearby lakes, ponds, gardens, parks and other polluted areas; remember, even the smallest change can bring a huge difference. Individuals have been working on advanced technologies. You could do so as well by coming up with sustainable methods of projects and technology. The three ‘R’s’ ( reuse, reduce, recycle) a very short phrase that has been taught to us since day one. As long as you are following these precious ‘R’s,’ you are good to go, and surely now that you have been contributing in this war against environmental damage, and being in the 9.85% of the population that follows this efficiently.

Other ways you can get involved are:

-start petitions

-plant at least one seed/tree

-reuse energy

-avoid throwing litter and polluting 

-protect the environment 

Reviews by outcomes:

“Being part of this society has opened my mind a lot, it has helped me realise a lot about this precious Earth, and through it, I have made good progress.”

“This motivated me to help in any way I can, so, I spent my savings on cleaning the ocean with the help of others.”

“After many read this, you can see clear differences in areas where this society’s members have worked. I am extremely proud of everyone and myself for being part of a good cause.”

Call Now! at 03204296096

or you can register for free at

You can learn more about us on our website:


The dying art of handwriting 


Q) A school or college website has asked for contributions called the importance of handwriting.

Write your contribution. 

Key Knowledge 

The End of the Use of the Ink Era!

An overview about the handwriting- their misconceptions; does handwriting really matter? Or is it not as impactful as people say it is?

By Ursila

If you are here, then you are probably already thinking about the importance of handwriting, and are wondering, “Can I test it out to find out its accuracy?” You might be thinking, “will this benefit me in any way?” Well to find out for sure, keep reading as you’re about to glide into something helpful. 

Now you see, handwriting is not only about making work “pleasing to look at”. It has existed for more than five hundred decades, and without this fine invention, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. Nowadays there are several reasons why there is concern about it, and how it is helpful, and how it has been affected. 

Handwriting’s Importance

You may not realize the significance of this art, but it has a major impact on everybody’s life.

It is an exercise for your brain and body. Writing immensely enhances one’s mental development.

Your mind’s vision and sensation gets trained as strokes of pens sends messages to the brain. This in turn can boost your grades as writing improves memory. They can remember things better if they use the unique art of handwriting. See, at least even if you lose those sheets of paper, you will still remember many points compared to someone who does not write. “A small price to pay for salvation.”

Alongside this benefit, taking down notes by hand polishes reading skills and helps people in expressing ideas or themselves more.

Handwriting – How it is therapy:

What many do not realize is how writing can be highly therapeutic. 

Ever noticed how whenever you might be upset or mad about something, you pick up an ink device and let your thoughts glide through- a piece of paper calms

you down? How about giving it a go in case you haven’t. 

This happens as writing strengthens the immune system and mind, helping in releasing stress and anxiety. 

Reasons for the concern about handwriting:

• Technology:

There is more use of advanced technology,

from children aged barely two years old to adults, everyone owns one of these devices.

Why write when you can type?

More technology means less need for writing with your hand. Due to the growing number and usage of phones/laptops, everyone has become out of practice from writing. 

• Less work:

Everyone wants to find an easy way out in everything. People tend to find writing by hand tiring and “too much work”. 

It is a complex skill to master and becomes frustrating for people. Hence, they find it easier to type instead, without realizing how it will impact them. 

With practice, anything can be easily mastered. 

• Communicating skills:

Communication is affected. In order to communicate with others or to communicate through expressing your ideas, writing is important. Without this practice, an individual’s communication skill weakens. 

How technology has affected written communication:

As this generation progresses, there is a constant rate of increase in the use of devices, such as laptops, phones, ipads, computers and many more.

Children lack many skills, including reading, writing, and communicating etc. as they constantly use such devices. They end up forgetting things easily, especially content related to studies. 

Keyboards are much easier to use and master. Individuals find it easier to type, and when it

comes to being in touch and speaking, they find it better through texting.

Come on, be honest most of you reading this prefer

texting as a source of communication as well.

Mortals do not write letters- whether it be for

business or a love letter- it is no longer written. People have lost their skills and greatly depend on technology, which may not be so reliable. 

Things written by hand can be stored for decades. However, technology advances every day, and soon your “latest ” phone becomes outdated and the battery life decreases, increasing the risk of losing important 


In conclusion, handwriting holds great importance, and 

one can gain all the benefits from it by writing and writing more, having enough practice to master this art. 

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